Online Tutoring
Online face-to-face interactive learning from the comfort of your own home.
How It's Done:
There are two ways that tutoring can be scheduled:
1. Drop-in sessions where students will book with their assigned tutor whenever they feel like they need a class. There is NO weekly commitment required.
2. Scheduled classes where the student requests a specific time slot in the week and that time is reserved for the student weekly with their tutor.
There are NO cancellation fees, however we request that the tutor is informed at least 8 hours before the scheduled class time.
Courses Offered:
- Math
- English
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- French
- University Level STEM
- Computer Science
Pricing will be determined based on the needs of the student after a consultation. This is due to our personalized and tailored approach to tutoring! Payment is done via e-transfer. A minimum of 5 classes prepayment is required. No worries, any left over classes will be refunded upon request without any hassle!
Every level of tutoring is offered the same 30 minute free trial session.
Remote Learning
We exclusively offer online tutoring conducted over a secure Zoom link. Once classes are set, a secure Zoom link will be sent to the student via email, which will serve as the permanent link for all classes.
Some worry about learning online, however our experienced tutors are trained in navigating this space and keep things interactive by using features such as the whiteboard, videos and animations to teach!